пʼятниця, 28 січня 2011 р.


Qwiki knows millions of things
Blend of Wikipedia and Youtube made by Google Almighty :)

Qwiki  is a multimedia encyclopedia containing more than three million entries. Qwiki publishes not only text entries but also interactive ones. To use Qwiki, enter a topic in the search box or select a topic from the featured topics on the homepage (Daily, Monuments, Natural wonders, Animals, Historical figures). Then watch, listen, and read the Qwiki entry for that topic.
Here is how it works:

Елвіайві :)

The pronunciation of Ukrainian names is kinda funny and erroneous, but we know how to pronounce them correctly.

It's a great resource for educational purposes. It's vivid and brief, plus you can listen to it and you don't have to use the pronunciation dictionary.
Start qwiking right now!

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