A cowboy has tamed a bull, hasn't he?
There is a separate group of tenses in the English language that is used to describe complete actions.
В англійській мові існує окрема група часів, котра використовується для опису завершений дій.
Today we are speaking about the Present Tense of this group, which by the way has no analogue in Ukrainian.
Сьогодні ми говоримо про теперішній час цієї групи, котра, до речі, немає аналогу в українській мові.
1. How to form it?
verb “to have” in Present Simple i.e. have (I, you, we, they) and has (he, she, it) + Past Participle. Past Participle is дієприкметник минулого часу. For regular verbs – just add ending “-ed” e.g. to clean – cleaned; with irregular verbs – situation is more complicated as you have to memorize the forms (it’s the third column) e.g. “to do” – done, “to be” – been.
have/has + V-ed/III column